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Haldia Lions Model School

A service project of

Lions Club of Haldia

Parent Teacher Association

PTA Vision

Making every child’s potential a reality.

PTA Mission

The overall purpose of PTA.


Guidelines and Important Pointers

  • Parent members having two/three children in school, once nominated for a class will not be eligible to be nominated again.

  • The members of the Executive Committee will meet quarterly.

  • In working towards the objectives the PTA will be guided by the Management of the School and with the underlying principle of ensuring that all actions are in the best interest of the students without compromising the long term interest of the school.

  • The PTA will only confine itself to such activities as permissible under the objectives.

  • The PTA will only confine itself to such activities as permissible under the objectives.

  • 10% of PTA members must be present at the meeting to be able to conduct PTA business. PTA cannot proceed with an activity or program if there are not enough members present to vote on the proposal.

  • 60% of PTA members shall necessarily be the female members.

  • The entire component of PTA except the chairman and the secretary are to be nominated. No member will serve the term twice.

  • The right to nominate the members, Joint Secretaries lie solely with the head of the institution.

  • PTA can only stand as an advocacy body. The right to decision solely lies with the management.