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Haldia Lions Model School

A service project of

Lions Club of Haldia

Safety Policy

The aim of the school is to provide a safe working and learning environment for staff and students. We attach immense importance to the safety and welfare at work of all its students and staff. We aim to provide, as far as it is reasonably practicable, for its students and staff while on the premises through well maintained Premises with safe access, well thought infrastructure that provides an accident-free environment. We train all the staff in our safety norms.
The school has more than 50 CCTVs installed in the premises and all the buses are empowered with Lady attendant.
School has a specific safety committee which takes regular rounds of the building and records the observations.
The Security, housekeeping, teaching, and non-teaching staff are given First aid training by authorized authorities and are also given tips to avoid any unhealthy practices (if any).

Child Protection Council

The Child Protection Council was created to provide a sensitive and caring environment for the children of Haldia Lions Model school.
It seeks to dissolve the barriers that are there in the minds of children and create equal opportunity to realize their rights.
This Council acts as a center for capacity building; collection, collation and dissemination of information on all aspects of protection of children and act as a forum of advocacy for the formulation and implementation of child protection policies, plans and programs.
As per the norms received from the government, the committee consists of 5 members inclusive of parents, teachers and students and one outsider.